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Ai Model
Bone mineral density classification on CT
Of adults over 50 have low bone mass
Of osteoporosis patients are undiagnosed
Of hip fracture patients die within a year
Abdominal CT without IV contrast
CAP CT without IV contrast
Number of patients (US annually)
FDA approval
Under review
The challenge
Patients are unaware of their low bone mineral density until a fracture or other complication occurs.
The solution
Screen for low bone mineral density on medical imaging and navigate undiagnosed, high-risk patients to the appropriate healthcare professional.
How does it work?
Bunkerhill’s bone mineral density classification algorithm runs automatically in the background of all non-contrast abdominal CTs. When the algorithm finds a patient with high risk of low bone density, this information is presented to the physician reviewing the patient's case. If the physician determines that the patient is at risk of low bone density, they may order a DEXA scan for confirmatory testing or refer the patient to the bone health clinic or other appropriate specialist for further evaluation.
Why does it matter?
Impact DEXA screening rates.
Patients identified with potential risk of low bone density may undergo a DEXA scan to determine severity.
Address through lifestyle changes and medications.
Depending on low bone density severity and patient history, patients may undergo lifestyle changes or be prescribed medications to reduce bone resorption or slow bone loss.
Personalize engagement with patients.
At-risk patients can be given automatic notifications and enrolled in workflows for regular follow-up and appropriate evaluation to monitor and manage their conditions.
Case studies
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